Prohormones UK: SEO Case Study

The Brief

Prohormones had recently migrated their website to Shopify from BigCommerce. Their immediate goal was to re-secure top positions for their most important keywords after suffering from several algorithm updates.

The long-term goals were to expand their customer base by increasing organic traffic and product offering, which in turn would create an uplift in new customer acquisition whilst keeping the cost of acquisition low.

Onefeed was tasked with strategising and implementing an SEO strategy to help achieve its goals.

Increase in users from organic search
0 %
Increase in revenue from organic search
0 %
Increase in keywords in the top 3 positions
0 %

The Challenge

  • To reclaim the company’s highly contested brand terms, after dropping below page one.
  • To create and execute a strategy to rank higher for keywords relevant to their current and new products.
  • Ensure this site had high Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (EAT), in line with Google’s focus on health websites using well-researched content.

Our Approach

As with all SEO projects, a full SEO audit was conducted. Given that the site had recently been migrated to Shopify, extra care was given to ensure the site migration had been properly implemented. The initial focus was to fix all issues which were highlighted as part of the SEO audit. This included:

  • Amending 301 redirects, ensuring previous page paths are redirected to more relevant pages and there are no 404 errors
  • Rewriting meta titles and descriptions for all new pages on the site, in line with the in-depth keyword research we conducted
  • Ensure every page has content that is properly structured within keyword optimised headings

After priority SEO recommendations were implemented, a product-focused content strategy was implemented to help increase the site’s visibility for “informational” searches— where a user wants to find an answer to a specific question. This was conducted by carefully selecting low-competition keywords and unexplored topics that their competitors were missing.

The Results

Since beginning work at the start of December 2020, the Prohormones UK website has achieved an extraordinary increase in organic traffic and attributed revenue. The website has not only reclaimed its target keywords in the top 3 positions, but also started to rank in the top positions for other important keywords to attract new customers.

1st Dec 2020 – 31 Dec 2021 compared to Previous period:

The work done by Omar at Onefeed has been truly tremendous. His input in regards to content optimisation and SEO best practice has resulted in massive wins for our business.
Corey Whistler
eCommerce Manager, Prohormones UK

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