Get a 5% Increase in Ad Clicks with Google Product Ratings

Google Product Ratings Explained

Google recently announced that the Google Product Ratings (also known as the star ratings) you can see in the Google Shopping ads have the effect of increasing the Click Through Rate (CTR) by 5% on average.

google product ratings
Coffee machine with Star Ratings

In the image above the Tassimo coffee maker stands out from the crowd of other shopping ads with the star ratings. The eye is drawn to this advertisement and the shopper can immediately see that 43 previous purchasers of this product have left feedback about it. This combined with the overall reviews which are extremely favourable, averaging 4.5 stars out of 5 over the 43 reviews.
The stars are a great way to improve the visitor’s confidence in the product being sold as well as the retailer selling it. There is now “less of a risk” in the visitor’s mind about making a purchasing decision.
5% is a significant increase in CTR and if this is achieved at the same Cost Per Click there is an opportunity to drive down the Cost of Sale (CoS). Enabling you to generate more revenue and making more of your marketing budget.

How to get star reviews to show

There are a number of companies that Google have partnered with in order to get the star reviews shown: has a list of those suppliers.

When will my star reviews show?

The star reviews will show at Google’s discretion. However, they are eligible to be shown once the merchant has more than 50 reviews across all their products and an individual product is eligible once it has more than 3 reviews. Products with fewer than 3 reviews are not eligible to be shown with star reviews on their Google Shopping Ads but they are eligible to be shown in the main Google Shopping tab.

Example of a product with just one review
Example of a product with just one review


The star reviews are an excellent way to boost sales while keeping the cost of sales under control. To learn more tips and techniques to improve your Google Shopping Ads with the Google Shopping experts sign up to Shopping Times or call us on 0800 130 3140.


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